I am finding this blog very challenging to keep up with. I can see the point behind it, getting into the web2.0 etc but I always feel a little contrived trying to keep up with it.
Anyway, I have successfully submitted yet another assignment and can only hope for a pass. This one was for resourcing the curruculum and focussed on writing a collection development policy. I have to admit it was helpful to do this task but I am not necessarily optimistic that it will pay off. Hard work does not always equal grades.
What prompted me to write in this rather sad blog is that I have a choice of subjects coming up and there are sadly only two I can take and one is the dreaded ETL401! Failed it once and am debating whether to attempt it now and fail it a second time or just leave it to the end completing all the other subjects where my failure will be less damaging. There is a limit on the number of times you can fail a subject and it is probably best to work my way up to ETL401, use the other subjects as training for 401.
Oh well big decisions and best to see if I pass ETL 503 before I start planning for the next semester.