Saturday, January 28, 2012

Do I have what it takes?

Task C

This subject (ETL401) has been an 18 month journey, one which has been eye opening, educational and emotional. I originally took this subject at the end of 2010 and looking back at the blog I have come to see how far my understanding of the teacher librarian’s (TL) role has developed. Originally the role was perceived in terms of the clerical duties that were undertaken by the librarian; the ordering, borrowing, repairing, and covering of books, with little emphasis on the teaching of students (Elliott, 2010, August 16). These original perceptions are not dissimilar to those noted in the literature (Purcell, 2010), which found that many people believe librarians sit around all day occasionally checking out books. My understanding of the TL role was based primarily in my past experience with TLs. This is confirmed by the literature which notes that for many teachers their understanding of the TL’s role is formulated based on the TL and librarians they have encountered in the past (Asselin, 2000, p74, as cited in, Miller, 2005,p.6). This was particularly noted even in younger teachers who had ‘traditional’ views of the TL (Wolcott, Lawless, and Hobbs, 1999, as cited in Miller, 2005, p.7).

Reflecting on my understanding of the role of the TL I have come to realize that although I have read widely on the topic and have changed my views on the TL, I have yet to see a TL perform their duties up to the standards set by the literature. I have come to see based on my experience that the role of the TL is greatly misunderstood and undervalued (Elliott, 2011, November 27). This is a feeling which I am not alone in (Pawsey, 2011, November 30 and Collier, 2011, December 7). Unfortunately, the role is not only misunderstood by the teachers but also the administration as can be seen in the lack of support and understanding for the TL role (Elliott, 2011, November 15).

I now understand that the role of the TL is multidimensional and one which requires commitment from the TL. The TL need to be leaders in so many areas, and especially technology (Loertscher, 2006). While learning about the role of the TL I have adopted numerous previously untried technology; the blog (Elliott, 2011, November 26), second life gaming (Elliott, 2011, November 11) and delicious to name a few. I realize that technology is a crucial aspect of the TL role in the 21st century. The research conducted on Information Literacy (IL) has also highlighted the importance of developing skills to cope with the vast amounts of information available to 21st century students. I see that IL should be explicitly taught to students to enable them to develop as students and learners (Elliott, 2012, January 2 and 9). It is pointless expecting students to inquiry into a topic if they do not have the skills to inquiry.

As I have progressed through the course and read more widely I perceive the role of the TL as a lot more than clerical duties. The role is one which is multifaceted although one which seems to be surrounded by confusion. Having done the reading and research I am a firm believer in the power of the library and the TL to assist students and improve performance but feel that it will be an uphill battle to perform all the duties required while faced with a lack of support from staff and administration. In order to succeed the TL needs to possess the personality and drive to educate others and to bring about change and I wonder if I have what it takes.

Reference List (Task C)

Collier, L., (2011, December 7). Re: nice to have the group coming together [forum post]. Retrieved from

Elliott, C., (2010, August 16). We learn more by looking for the answer to a questions and not finding it that we do from learning the answer itself [Blog Post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad.

Elliott, C., (2011, November 11). So Now I’ll be a Gamer Too! [blog post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad

Elliott, C., (2011, November 15). Coming Full Circle [Blog Post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad.

Elliott, C., (2011, November 26). The Journey Continues [Blog Post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad

Elliott, C., (2011, November 27). Re: nice to have the group coming together [forum post]. Retrieved from

Elliott, C., (2012, January 2). A Library Surrounded by Collaboration but without a Librarian [Blog Post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad

Elliott, C., (2012, January 9). I don’t care if they know what a simple machine is they can google it! [Blog Post]. Retrieved from Global Nomad

Loertscher, D., (2006). Teacher Librarian as Technology Leader. Teacher Librarian. Vol.34, Issue 1.

Miller, K., (2005). The Novice Teachers Perceptions of the Role of the Teacher Librarian in Information Literacy. School Libraries in Canada.

Pawsey, D., (2011, November 30). Re: nice to have the group coming together [forum post]. Retrieved from

Purcell, M., (2010). All Librarians Do Is Check Out Books, Right? A Look at the Roles of a School Library Media Specialist. Library Media Connection. Now/Dec 2010.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Information Literacy or Guided Inquiry

I am confused at this stage. I am working through some reading for the 2nd assignment which looks at IL but then have just read an article (and yes I know one article should not change things and I will be seeking other sources) which put forward the notion that IL is the phrase of the 90's and that it is now being replaced by guided inquiry so why are we not learning more about it and why is it not the focus for the assignment? Seems like guided inquiry is more comprehensive and covers more aspects.

I'll hopefully come back to this one. I have another article to read though.

I don't care if they know what a simple machine is they can google it!

I once had a head teacher who in no uncertain terms stated (quite loudly I might add) that he did not care if the students knew what a simple machine was, they can google it but that they must understand the concepts.

I liked this comment when I first heard it 3 years ago. Even before I embarked on my masters. The reason I liked it was it is similar to my mind set. I don't know something, I will google it to find out. I don't like not knowing but as long as I can find the answer when I want it I am happy in my ignorance. But now I am rethinking this comment made so long ago. Is the answer really to google it? and more importantly do the students have the skills to google it effectively?

When addressing the first I would argue that it would depend on the question. Did I need to know how to get to AlKhor or am I finding the causes of the first world war? For some questions googling it is sufficient but then you also have to look at the reliability of the information and the source it is coming from, also you need to consider what you will do with the answer and the consequences of being misinformed. So I would say yes googling it was fine as long as the student could evaluate their results and knew other channels to follow if they failed to find a sufficient answer.

The answer to the second question I have come to realise is a no. At that particular school they didn't possess the skills to google effectively. The librarian did nothing, there was no information literacy. I taught 4th grade and we could give an assignment and moan about how they had just printed reems of paper they couldn't read and sat there blaming the teachers in the year before. In hindsight we should have been teaching them the skills they needed. We should have identified their misconceptions and then worked to correct them. The second year efforts were made to address the problem. We liased with the computer teacher to teach the students boolean searches but then for some reason it never occurred to the team to speak with the librarian. Now the question is, was that our fault or was it hers that we did not see her as the go to person and the first port of call??

Needless to say I am trying to teach my current class the concepts and give them the skills so that when they want to know what a simple machine is they really can google it!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Library Surrounded by Collaboration but Without a Librarian

A little over a month ago the librarian left, maybe lack of funding, lack of support, maybe Qatar just became too much . Either way the library is now a vacant space lacking true direction.
i find this frustrating to watch. It was frustrating even when there was a librarian. I have spent the last 18 months reading and learning about the role of the teacher librarian and every time I read a new article I have to question why aren't I seeing it happen in my school and is it happening anywhere.
The school is awash with collaboration we have half a day each week dedicated to collaboration, we have support for collaboration from the powers to be but there is no true collaboration with the library and I have to question why. Why is there no planning across school for the teaching of information literacy? or Why haven't I seen the planning for the teaching of information literacy? What information processing model is being used if any?
With a school so well poised for collaboration and integration why is it not happening? and when are people going to realise the potential for it to be happening?
I suppose all I can hope for is that the replacement librarian is a true leader and innovator with a whole lot of motivation to make the library and the library program all that it can be.