Saturday, November 19, 2011

So Now I'll Be a Gamer Too!

So, I have just finished reading the last book in the 'Learning in a Changing World' and it would appear that I am also going to have to become a gamer, because lets be honest, in order to teach something you really need to know how to do it yourself. And to make the most of a resource you need to really know how to use it.

Virtual Worlds goes in to a lot of detail about the different games available and to be honest it is quite daunting, it is like a foreign language; virtual worlds (this one I understand), avatars, MMORPG and the metaverse and then later they throw MUD's at you! I understand that there is a place for games etc but I suppose I had always ruled out games that did not have an obvious educational purpose, but I have now realised that even if a game is not designed to be educational it does not mean that it can not be educational. I also have to get out of the K-6 frame of mind. As a lot of the games etc that were mentioned I discarded as inappropriate because I am still thinking of myself as the Grade 1 teacher because that is what I am currently teaching.
But I think the most important thing is that I am now going to sign up to second life and see what it is all about. Is it really as educational as they make it sound?

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